Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hippity Hoppity Easter's on It's way

Here is this years darling pink striped Easter egg.
She has a new Elephant Friend.
We are having fun comparing noses.

Our daughter by Love has a fabulous family! They are fun
and always so generous to include "family"
regardless of where you are on the
Family Tree.
The food was plentiful and delicious
The company and conversation
matched the perfect weather
A bit of heaven.
A big Thank You for the generous invitation
we love coming and
being part of the family !
Happy B-day to Cindy !
A one of a kind b-day hat
to celebrate her special day.
She's a great sport!
Notice how curious our little pink striped Easter egg is-
Try not to notice my bangs that are to long or my buck teeth smile.

P.S.- This was my first blog post without Cathrine's help.

She is tutoring me on how to stay mainstream,

cool, whats up crazy- Love ya Catherine!


Staci said...

Cutest PINK STRIPED Easter Egg I EVER SAW!!! She is darling & I love Cindy's birthday hat:)

Way to go on your 1st Post with NO HELP!

Catherine said...

Must say the student has surpassed the teacher. I am glad things have returned to normal where you are the master of all things fabulous and I have much yet to learn from you.

Lisa said...

Hello Sally!!! I am so glad you have started a blog! I miss seeing you and think about you all the time. I hope things are going great for you. My blog is mattandlisab.blogspot. Have a great day!!! Lisa McFarland Bitter

Lisa said...

Oh and HAPPY 50th!